The executive committee announced the registration costs as follows:
Type of Register
Register timely
Register with delay
Participation in the Conference
(With paper)
2/500/000 (Rials)
3/250/000 (Rials)
Participation in the Conference (Without paper)
1/500/000 (Rials)
1/950/000 (Rials)
- The The members of the sponsoring associations and members of IEEE receive a 30 percent discount.
- All prices will be increased by 20 percent for the late registration.
- The extra amount 30/000 should be paid for each extra page (Up to 6 pages)
- International participants just may pay the invoice on the desk without any additional cost (Rial, Euro or Dollar).
-Faculty members at Bam University will receive a discount of 50% on the costs
-Students at Bam University can submit their papers at the conference free of charge.